[misc] Flagbot (100 pts, 104 solved)
I just learned how to make a cool new Discord bot! I’m storing my secrets on it- I challenge you to try to get the flag! (To access this challenge you must join our discord server at https://discord.gg/ctf)
The only two commands are- ^help and ^flag.
Bot Discord tag: Flagbot#1412
- botのIDを確認する
- 自分のDiscordサーバを立ち上げる
- 自分に管理者権限を割り振る
- 以下にブラウザでアクセスし、BOTを許可する。
https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=<bot-id>&scope=bot&permissions=0 ↓ https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=983857874335842334&scope=bot&permissions=0
- ^flag